
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Anjem Choudary News Release on EDL

Hat tip to Joe

Anjem Choudary-He's the nose picker with the mic

Yesterday, we reported on the resignation of Tommy Robinson and Kevin Carroll from the English Defence League. In typical fashion, here is the response from Anjem Choudary as he crows about Islam taking over Britain and, indeed the world.


Press Release Dated 8th October 2013

The resignation of Tommy Robinson and Kevin Carroll from the English Defence League (the EDL) and their apparent alliance with the Quilliam Foundation should come as no surprise to Muslims, after all they have at their heart very similar objectives including the dismantling of the Shari’ah as a complete way of life (in particular its ruling element the Khilafah), the halting of Jihad to liberate Muslim land, the promotion of Democracy where sovereignty belongs to man instead of to Allah exclusively and the support for the enemies of Islam and Muslims such as the British government and her allies. Not to mention an incentive of gaining an additional substantial wage from the British government personally to do its dirty work of tarnishing Islam and Muslims in order to try to ensure that Muslims never rise to remove the shackles of man made law or ever free themselves from occupation and servitude to dictators and tyrants funded by the West.

The likely unity of EDL and Quilliam is indeed a very natural move on the part of Tommy Robinson and others who cannot envisage that Islam and Muslims can ever be silenced through intimidation and rhetoric, as they have manifested through their street protests over the last few years. Rather those who call for the Shari’ah and who resist any attack against Islam and Muslims in any shape or form have instead increased their resolve to work for the domination of the world, including Britain, by Islam. Having been comprehensively beaten ideologically, politically and socially by Muslims, the EDL now have no choice but to try to hide behind a false veil of respectability by allying with the likes of the Quilliam Foundation, who have no doubt also offered Tommy and co. a lucrative sum to pay of their debts and further satisfy their survival instincts.

The call for the Shari’ah in the UK (and the world) will never be halted no matter how much money and energy the government and her lackeys, such as Quilliam, throw towards this cause. The fact is that Britain will one day be governed by the Shari’ah over the noses of Quilliam and the EDL, as this has been prophecised by the Messenger Muhammad (saw). A society where all women and men will be obliged to cover themselves properly, where halal meat will be available for all, where segregation between men and women in public will be the norm, where the penal code of Islam of cutting the hand of the thief and stoning the adulterer will be carried out and where only Islamic law will be tolerated. Moreover food, clothing and shelter will be a divine right and resources such as water, gas and electricity will be provided free of charge to all citizens. The Shari’ah will also protect the religion, life, honour, mind and wealth of every citizen thus banning alcohol, pornography, gambling, bribery and anything else which could affect the purpose for which Allah sent his divine laws.

The world has witnessed the rising up of Muslims in Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen and Syria against tyrants who implement man made laws and who have been propped up by Western regimes such as America and Britain. They have also witnessed Muslims once again calling openly for the establishment of the Khilafah (a pan Islamic State) which will spell the end of man made laws like democracy and freedom and the hegemony of the US, China, Russia and India etc over Muslims. A state where sovereignty belongs solely to Allah, where only the Shari’ah is implemented, where Muslims have authority and which does not recognise any borders or institutions (like the UN) set up by those intent on trying to stop the revival and unification of Muslims.

Ultimately Tommy Robinson will realise that the Quilliam Foundation is even less effective than the EDL in trying to silence the spread and ultimate domination of Islam. The only real hope for members of the EDL and Quilliam is to embrace Islam and join the masses of practicing Muslims in the UK and elsewhere whose sole aim is to please Allah and whose main objective is to work to ensure that the sovereignty of Allah is not violated and his laws are established on this Earth, wherever we are.
May Allah (SWT) guide us all to the truth of Islam and expose the falsehood and misguidance of democracy.
Mr Anjem Choudary
Lecturer in Shari’ah law & Manager of the Shari’ah Court of the UK
Call 07956 600569 for more details


I have news for Choudary. He may conquer Britain, but he will never conquer the US because we are made of different stuff (our universities excepted). People like Choudary don't understand that there are millions of Americans who will fight to the death to defend our liberties and protect the rights of all, Muslims and non-Muslims alike. If he doubts that, he should try and come over here to give a few speeches. It would be an education for him.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

Don't be silly Gary, His Most Catholic Majesty couldn't conquer Britain, and the country had about a 50 percent Catholic population, plus the world's largest armada. Anjem Choudary isn't going to conquer one beer hall.

There is a simple response to his ravings. No doubt, God is supreme, and no doubt, there is no God but the God. What we've learned from painful, bloody experience is that no human institution is capable of speaking accurately and with legitimate authority on God's behalf. That's why we don't allow religious authorities to run the state.

You don't like it? Too bad. God seems to have found it rather worth nurturing.

Gary Fouse said...


Why do you think I post about him so much?

Siarlys Jenkins said...

You post about him because he's the kind of your anxiety closet... why don't you move to Bloom County?